Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Catcher in the Rye

Firstly, I would like to note that I spelt the author's surname wrong in my previous post and would like to rectify this by stating that the novel was written by one J. D. Salinger.

I have reached the half-way mark with this book and despite really enjoying it, I am finding it hard to reconcile the hype surrounding this novel.

Any insight you may have to offer would be greatly appreciated, but I will warn you I do plan do my own extensive research and externalise my internal conversation with myself on this very issue, right here on my blog.

I'm sure you are all looking forward to that one!

Words of the week

And now for C

Something ridiculous, incredible or implausible

Morbid sensation

pathological belief that one is inhabited by an evil spirit

book of customs, traditions and principles

production of cyanide

study of development of character

And the lucky winner of "guess the word" for this week is:



and last week's "guess the word"

brephophagist means "one who eats babies"

Too fast!

I got this in an email today and just had to add it too my blog.

How adorable is that dog!!!!

Friday, August 26, 2005

LOST season finale

46 survivors are LOST on an island but now we are led to believe that they are not the survivors.

I absolutely loved this show from the opening sequence to the cliff hanger and now eagerly await season 2.

My only hope is that the creators intend a good parting for audiences with this show. It would be terrible if they kept it going beyond its life cycle just for money's sake.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Strange but true

The worlds oldest piece of chewing gum is over 9000 years old!
(source: http://sbt.bhmedia.com/facts2.html)

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Words of the Week # 2

Words beginning with B

One who eats frogs

Speaking in a flattering or ingratiating manner

Kiss on the hand

Abnormal fondness for ballet

And finally what do you think the following word means?


Friday, August 19, 2005

Charlotte needs to read more!

As part of the "Charlotte needs to read more" campaign I have decided to read all 100 books on the "Angus and Robertson Top 100 books" list. Of course it helps that I have already read 26 of the books on that list but there are still 74 to go.

The first book I am reading is "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Sallinger and once I have finished it I will post a review on this here charming blog of mine and also tell you what the next book is that i will be reading.

Maybe we could get an on-line book club happening?

Video Store - Review # 2

The Grudge

Once you have seen one Takashi Shimizu movie you have seen them all. He has done for horror what M. Night Shyamalan did for plot twists.

‘The Ring’ was thoroughly enjoyable but as the credits began to role on ‘The Grudge’ I couldn’t help but wonder if Mr. Shimizu wasn’t a bit of a hack! He’s managed to take almost identical imagery, change the story a little and milk it for all it’s worth.

The similarities between ‘The Ring’ and ‘The Grudge’ (excluding the likeness of title!) are scary in their own right. From the disjointed movement of the ghost to the phone calls, you start to think that maybe the video shop guy gave you the wrong movie by mistake. Ah but wait Naomi Watts starred in one and well Sarah Michelle Gellar was in the other (hang on, they also look rather similar!).

Overall there is a real sense of déjà vu.

Watch at your own risk!

1 star


Thought this was pretty cool!!

Saturday, August 13, 2005


My best buddy peanut currently resides in England and I miss him terribly. He's been gone for what seems like an eternity and well I just wanted to dedicate a little bit of space to him.
We all miss you and hope you are having a blast over there and don't you dare forget us all - especially moi!!

Also if you want to leave a message for the darling lad do so in the comments section of this post where he is sure to drop in and have a read from time to time.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Mantis Movement

Look into my eyes!

Ideas # 1

I've just come up with a really good idea for a TV series.

Now all I have to do is write a synopsis, a pilot episode, find an agent and then attempt to pitch it to all those big wig executives.

wish me luck!

In a computer based society

Having been told once by a rather brusque centrelink worker "you have to understand you are dealing with a computer" - I think this sign should be posted up around their offices as a reminder!

Words of the Week # 1

Lets start with the letter A shall we.

adj. - pertaining to foolish or excessive laughter

n. - person who doesn't smoke

archididascalos, archididascalus
n. - headteacher of school etc. archididascalian, adj.

Strange But True # 1

Over 2500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people! (source: http://sbt.bhmedia.com/facts1.html)

Being left handed myself I was rather interested in what right-handed products had killed these left handed people!


Part One

I’m at the tender age of 28 with 30 creeping up fast, but realistically I feel more like 22. I can’t decide if I’m just in denial or simply buying into the philosophy of ‘you’re as young as you feel’.

When does one cast aside their youth in favour of a more adult approach? Is there a time when it’s just downright unacceptable to act young and carefree? When people start to tut behind your back and the saying ‘act your age’ takes on new meaning. My generation (Gen Y) appears to be more unwilling to toss aside their youthful abandonment for the horrors of responsibility.

What is it that defines us as an adult? Is it simply an issue of age or the fact that you have left high school and are now a fully fledged member of the country’s workforce? The word adult has so many connotations but only one definition “One who has attained maturity or legal age.”

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Are you desperate?

Desperate Housewives Season finale

Yes it is true I was one of many hankering out for the last episode of Desperate Housewives and boy was I disappointed!!

As far as season finale's go this one is high on my list of 'worst ever'. They did not provide any real revelations except for why the women were desperate (and that wasn't that revealing) and there was no cliff hanger enticing you for season two.

As for season two - where could this show possibly go - they've solved the murder what more is there to hang around for?

It is more than likely that this show will turn into a one season wonder and will be finding its head firmly on a chopping block before long.

Most shows don't make it past season four and some are better for it.

Women on the frontline.

read the following:


Then cast your vote:

should women be on the front line?

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

BIG SCREEN – Review # 1

The Island

Where to begin. . .

Science fiction is all about suspension of disbelief, but when you have a storyline that is more ‘science when’ rather than fiction the disbelief is a little too much even for me. There was a good story underneath all that action and although the plot was somewhat sacrificed for the special effects (an issue all too common nowadays) it did provide me with some ‘food for thought’.

The basic undertones of this movie are rather scary, as cloning will one day happen (and has already if you believe the various rumours). But all this got lost amongst the obstacles our two heroes (Lincoln Six Echo and Jordan Two Delta) battle through and the implausible feats that they achieve to get them to the end of this film.

A little more plot and lot less action would have made this film a winner, but then it was made for the masses and we know how bored they can get without an explosion or two to excite the senses.

Overall you can enjoy this film, occasionally you’ll want to shout “come on no one could survive that!” and at the end you may wish they hadn’t made the final scene so happy.

All said and done I give it a fair:

2 1/2 Stars

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Little Green Man

Monday, August 08, 2005

Are you Illiterate?

Illiteracy has been a hot topic of recent years with Australia’s illiteracy slowly increasing and in the 21st century we still have children and adults who cannot read or write.

The thing that has struck me as odd when the issue is discussed throughout the various media is that there is very little responsibility assigned to the parents for our children’s lack of literacy. Is it not the responsibility of parents to ensure that children can read and write? Nowadays schools are expected to guarantee this most important skill is learnt.

I knew how to read, write and do basic arithmetic by the age of four and had grown out of picture books by around seven, but an ever increasing number of kids are starting to learn later in their lives.

Parents are performing a great injustice by not spending time with their kids and teaching them the basic skills that they will need throughout their adult life. Being able to read and write in today’s society is a survival skill that all children should learn as soon as possible.

Of course I speak in general and do not mean to offend any parents out there who have in fact taken the initiative to teach their children. But we cannot ignore the fact that there are a great many children out there who are struggling because their parents felt it was the sole responsibility of schools.

Children take note: rather than suing the schools when you are older you should be suing your parents for negligence.

Mantis Movement


Ramblings # 1

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

DISCLAIMER: you are hereby warned that spoilers are coming, so don't complain if I ruin the book for you - take responsibility because you ruined the book for you by having no self control!

Several weeks ago I finished JK Rowlings latest installment to the Harry Potter saga and now I need to have somewhat of a rant!

First things first, I really don't like the character of Harry Potter. Over the course of the six books he has become more and more unlikeable. Maybe I'm just insensative to the plight of a teenage wizard in training, but he just irks me!

Second, I refuse to believe that Snape is evil. Granted he has some character flaws and is very vocal in his dislike for Harry (which I believe is justifiable) but evil - PLEASE!!

Thirdly, why kill Dumbledore? Wasn't it enough that in the last book she killed off Sirius. Sure bad things happen but why show that with the murder of one of my favourite characters by another one of my favourite characters.

I really don't know if I want to read the seventh book and if the rumours are true we are going to have a 2 year wait anyway.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Video Store - Review #1

Ring 2

This is a classic example of how atrocious sequels usually are. The opening scene smacks of ‘teenage horror flick’ and I was reminded of ‘Not another teen movie’ as I sat and watched the not so terrifying opener. For scares you should refer back to the first movie because this one just doesn’t manage to illicit even a mild shutting of the eyes from me (not a good sign).

As for the acting this film has done nothing for Naomi Watts’ career and she probably should never have agreed to do the sequel (her acting verges on the embarrassing). The kid was spooky and I was reminded of Haley Joel Osmond’s little boy routine in AI by Steven Spielberg. The other characters are just uninteresting.

There is only one scene in this movie that could be considered its redeeming feature and that involved a bathtub, a hypothermic boy in the bathtub and water running in the wrong direction. This is where the movie peaked (granted quite drastically as there was nothing note worthy before this) and then did a rather spectacular nose dive towards an ending that even I have trouble remembering.

I give this film a very generous . . .

1 star