Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Leaky wallets and secondhand fridges

I have spent what could be considered a pro-active morning working out my budget (yet again). I have been trying to (rather desperately) save money but I cannot seem to patch up the invisible hole in my wallet, I am leaking money but haven't a clue where from. So once more I put my Excel skills to use and punch numbers in the hope that money can be saved. 12 months is a long time to go without anything!

Hubby and I are planning to buy a house, I am not sure how people get themselves into a position to do that. Do they sacrafice financially for years or is my perception on house buying completed screwed up? It is time to see a financial advisor, according to Kimb this is a sign of adulthood.

Sir Shorn should be knocking on my door any minute to deliver a secondhand fridge as my current secondhand fridge is crap and smells. Sure cleaning it would probably fix the smell but it has gotten beyond any kind of refurbishment and so it will be lovingly placed on our front lawn to be taken by those mystery men of hard waste. It is very exciting to get a fridge that actually works, no more sniffing food to see if it has gone off even though you only purchased it three days ago. New secondhand fridge also provides me with motivation to clean my kitchen and laundry room.

Our kitchen is much cleaner than it used to be. We instigated "cleaning of the dishes every night" and who would have thought that that would be a much better way to do it! We've kept it going for two weeks (a record for us) and it looks like it's here to stay. Now all I need to do is convince myself to clean all the floors at least once a week.

1 hour later. . .

A favourite phrase of ALL women is "I have nothing to wear!" I am guilty of saying this but after sorting out my wardrobe it is a porposterous statement for me to make considering it takes 3 closets to house my clothes. The key, I have decided, is to be organised, if you can see your clothes you can figure out what to wear. If your clothes are sitting in laundry baskets and on surfaces of course you have nothing to wear.

Sir Shorn is still to knock on my door with the secondhand fridge. . .

I just discovered my keyboard has a button that when pressed opens the calculator, necessary? Not sure, but definately cool.

I've run out of coathangers, a definate stumbling block as I have more clothes to hang. I'm sure if I wanted to I could continue with sorting out my clothes, but with no coathangers this is going to make things difficult. So instead I choose to put aside my productive "sort of clothes" for a more productive "sort out junk".

Okay, sorting out junk is not a plan as I have no where to put the junk as hubby forgot to put the bin out for the dustman. I may have to end my pro-active day.


Blogger Pablo said...

Let this be an end tot he reign of proactiviy across the world!

That way, I can stay lazy. Though I did just put away three loads of washing myself (with seven coathangers to spare. I counted).

Damn you, proactivity! You've gotten me again!

12:08 am  

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