Friday, August 12, 2005


Part One

I’m at the tender age of 28 with 30 creeping up fast, but realistically I feel more like 22. I can’t decide if I’m just in denial or simply buying into the philosophy of ‘you’re as young as you feel’.

When does one cast aside their youth in favour of a more adult approach? Is there a time when it’s just downright unacceptable to act young and carefree? When people start to tut behind your back and the saying ‘act your age’ takes on new meaning. My generation (Gen Y) appears to be more unwilling to toss aside their youthful abandonment for the horrors of responsibility.

What is it that defines us as an adult? Is it simply an issue of age or the fact that you have left high school and are now a fully fledged member of the country’s workforce? The word adult has so many connotations but only one definition “One who has attained maturity or legal age.”


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