Today I didn't feel ugly.
I have always felt ugly, I look in the mirror and see a troll staring back. I've never had any skill when it comes to fashion, I am useless at applying make-up and I always get the same recurring pimples. Let's also not forget that I have had one disasterous hair cut after the other and the various hair colours I have picked out have never suited.
But today I didn't feel ugly. I wonder why that is? Nothing has changed except I didn't see a troll looking back, so I smiled.
I can't smile, every photo depicts a grimace and my mouth naturally frowns. But I have a pure smile that usually only my husband sees, but today I got to see it to.
And now I am laughing at the stupidity of it all and suddenly I realise I am content. I have never felt content before, I've always been on edge about one thing or another, unable to relax.
Today I was happy.