Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A little tale

I started thinking today, dangerous I know, but after reading Sir Shorn's lastest post I couldn't help thinking about the decisions we make in life and how those decisions lead us down certain paths.

This thought led me of course back to "Karaoke" and that rather fateful couple of months of my life. Secretly I wanted to throw in the towel, but for some reason I kept perservering even though I was frustrated and stressed with the whole darn thing. Now I wonder if the only purpose for me continuing with Karaoke, listening to that little voice telling me to continue the journey, was so that Sir Shorn and Pip could meet?

If I had never done Karaoke, I would possibly have never met Sir Shorn, who in turn may never have met Pip. Now I am not saying that it's all because of me, but would they still have met?

So if the only purpose to do "Karaoke" was so that Sir Shorn and Pip could met I'm glad I listened to the voice because it turns out not to have been the failure I had perceived. Rather it was an unanticipated success that I can now only see.

Of course this all goes back a little further than the fateful "Karaoke", all the way back to Lexxicon and my "friendship growing pains" that saw me desperately wanting to throw in the towel again! (mainly due to embarrassment!) - (anyone seeing a pattern here?). If Lexxicon had not refused to let me just walk away (and for some strange reason made the decision to clinge onto and try to fix our ailing friendship) then I would never have met Beardo. The reason I would never have met Beardo is because I would never have done "10 Minutes" and therefore would never have met Pablo and Jarrod.

And if I had never met Beardo, I would never have met Pip which probably means I would never have met Sir Shorn either because I wouldn't have done Karaoke.

So really the true hero in this story is Lexxicon. Why he made the decision he did, to not let me toss it all aside and walk away I will never know, but if he hadn't things would be alot different!

Would we all still have met? Possibly, but more likely not.

Hats off to Lexxicon!!!

And where are the characters of my story now?

Beardo and Charlie are happily married
Pip and Sir Shorn fell in love and are now talking marriage
Lexxicon became an Uncle!

The End


Blogger Alex said...

And if you keep calling him Lexxicon, he will jump in his god damn DeLorean and "fix" history good and proper...

I finally get a nickname to stick and she has to add to it...

9:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why stop at lexx Chuck? If that first amoeba never differentiated into two amoebas thered never be a Lexx in the first place. Oh and if the first few atoms never bonded to create the first organic molecules there would never be an amoeba. And if the first few specks of dust never accreted in such a fortunate distance from the sun there would never have been an earth for that first organic molecule to form.

Etc etc etc on to infinity.

You kept on with kareoke because you wanted a play in the fringe and come hell or highwater you were damn well going to put one on.

Your 'little voice' was simply something called tenacity, the ol 'when the going gets tough' quality that some of us have, some dont.

You didn't quit Karoeke or on Lexx because quitting is inherently not something you do, your tolerance for stress and 'being fucked over ness' before you cut your losses is very, very high in my opinion.

Perhaps the only positive of putting up with an impossible sister like Audrey for most of your life I would presume: compared to her everything else pales. (*ZING*) The good news is that your experience with Audrey and your tenacity, subsequent or otherwise, leaves u well suited to motherhood, though I don't doubt your children will be somewhat more mature then Aud.


Anwyay, to apply some sort of retrospective 'big picture' karma crap justification to your actions is religous-like bollux that I won't stand for. C'mon Chuck your better then that.

In other news, Shaun and P marriage plans eh? Will I score another MC job? My Magic Eight Ball says: Feed Me A Stray Cat.

Hmmm must get that fixed.

PG Out

2:46 am  
Blogger Charlii Fandango said...

I call you Lexxicon because it sounds like a Transformer!

Grin and bear it I'll get bored with it soon and start calling you something equally as cheesy!!!

9:46 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps it is PG's aforementioned high tolerance that redeems you whenever you try to quit the cancer sitcks, C...

And to add to your where are they nows:

Jarrod is God knows where doing God knows what, I ain't seen him in like 2 years.

Pablo is sitting at his computer typing this, because we're at now now...

4:59 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wherever Jarrod may be.....Im willing to bet his balls are still in a little jar in Kristy's purse....

5:34 pm  
Blogger audrey said...

You're very critical for someone who hasn't actually met me aren't you PG? Labels of immaturity sure do make me belly laugh when I recall the days you got kicked off of the uni message boards for needlessly flaming everybody. Being a shit stirrer doesn't make you an evolved genius PG - it just makes you an unimaginative wanker with massively impaired social skills.

12:22 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lego land? I thought we were going to the Fortress of Solitude.....

2:50 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marriage eh??? eeeekkkk, that's the first I've heard of it!!! *sound of running footsteps*

5:39 pm  
Blogger Arithon said...

Hehe tsk tsk PG - constantly digging at audrey does seem your favourite past-time in your comment-making. perhaps that's because she rises so easily to your bait...?

and audrey... your offense only entertains him.

and as for charlie's thought... i like to think that way, sometimes... it's a little word called 'synchronicity'. events seem to bring about other events and, just occasionally, it seems like everything has a reason. also, i found it a huge comfort in the days when i sat around, lonely and depressed because my life had gone to shit. if that hadn't happened, i wouldn't be where i am right now, and as i love where i am more than anywhere i've ever been or even thought i might be, i wouldn't want to change that.

what i want is perhaps not the point, but i'm saying that, just sometimes, i like to think the way charlie has here.

thumbs up chuck.

ps from now on, i'm incredibly tempted to call you 'the round-headed kid' ;)

7:15 pm  
Blogger Arithon said...

Hehe tsk tsk PG - constantly digging at audrey does seem your favourite past-time in your comment-making. perhaps that's because she rises so easily to your bait...?

and audrey... your offense only entertains him.

and as for charlie's thought... i like to think that way, sometimes... it's a little word called 'synchronicity'. events seem to bring about other events and, just occasionally, it seems like everything has a reason. also, i found it a huge comfort in the days when i sat around, lonely and depressed because my life had gone to shit. if that hadn't happened, i wouldn't be where i am right now, and as i love where i am more than anywhere i've ever been or even thought i might be, i wouldn't want to change that.

what i want is perhaps not the point, but i'm saying that, just sometimes, i like to think the way charlie has here.

thumbs up chuck.

ps from now on, i'm incredibly tempted to call you 'the round-headed kid' ;)

7:15 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the round-headed kid! hehehe that's funny!!! (ooh, and i found my ring today guys!!!!) hehehe

7:39 pm  
Blogger blank slate said...

Arithon. *sigh* Never mind.

Also, whilst Audrey's reactions are not unamusing, even if she spurned Chuck's blog forever I'd still be working short pay outs into my posts here and there. Why? Because it's some great source of entertainment to me? Hardly.

Because she so richly deserves it thats why. AND it's a good source of vitamins, essential oils and anti-oxidants in today's fast-paced, nutrient-poor lifestyle.

So there you have it.

12:22 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dunno, the Decepticons had transformers that turned from small rabid animals into......casette tapes. That beats a Lexicon which transforms into Lexx for lameness anyday.

2:05 pm  
Blogger Charlii Fandango said...

I just felt like increasing the number of comments to 16!

Just because I can.

6:34 pm  

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