Sunday, April 30, 2006

EMO Chicks

Sunday mornings I sit with the gang and have a slap up breakfast which includes a rap up of the week from each of us. I was chowing down on my waffles and ice-cream when a pack of Emo chicks strolled past and our banter changed.

Emo Chicks and what they wear:

The first thing you notice is that they are all identical (pack mentality) no individuality expressed although I am sure they would argue that there are subtle differences but to my untrained eye I could not see any. Next, why do they insist on wearing the fashion disaster of the black skin tight jeans that look terrible on everybody! The jeans are low waisted so the undies are visible (never a good look) and they do nothing but make a chick's butt look really huge, as I commented to Pip they should have a bumper sticker on their arse that says "wide load"! Why are these horrible black jeans the staple of the Emo 'uniform'? I will have to get up the courage one day to actually ask as my imagination has yet to come up with an adequate theory. 'Over weight girls should never wear horizontal stripes' and the same could be said for no girl should ever wear tight hugging black jeans, and if they insist on it for heaven's sake don't stick things in the pockets!

Do Emo chicks think they are rebelling? Oddly enough they are a cross between goth and punk - nothing new they've simply mogrelized the two looks.

Emo chicks take note - try a little individual expression - to the untrained eye you look exactly the same (even their hairstyles are identical). Oh and don't forget to burn those black jeans, you'll thank me when you do!


Blogger audrey said...

Come on Charlotte, they're just teenagers. Everyone likes to rebel in packs when their teens. You did too if I remember correctly...

You know what they say. Safety in numbers and all that.

6:31 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why do you insist on calling yourself audrey, when you have a perfectly good name already?

well ok, clem sounds like an inbred hillbilly's name, but you should be happy with what you're given.

11:15 pm  
Blogger audrey said...

I guess so if people I know ever read this, they won't be able to tell I've ever been in any kind of conversation with someone as completely banal as you.

2:02 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He he, you said anal. Oh there's a B there... Huh.

Nope, not insulting enough.

And it weren't no conversation till you replied, cousin Clem...

11:00 am  

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