Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld comes to Adelaide

Read the article:

I think it is ridiculous that we are closing down streets in Adelaide, including part of North Terrace in front of the Hyatt where Mr Rumsfeld is staying, for a two day period. Quite frankly, I feel that we should protest against THIS rather than the war as it is perposterous that major street arteries are closed down for one US official! If a terrorist wanted to attack the guy closing a couple of streets down isn't going to prevent that.

Also it's even more ridiculous that he is going to have an Australian security contingent of 500! Again if a terrorist wanted to attack this guy do you really think 500 officers are going to stop him - they will merely prolong the inevitable by acting as a human shield.

If anything we are exacerbating the situation by giving credence to the idea that the American government is the ruler of the world and perpetuating the arogance that the US Government already has.

It is a further nail in our coffin of identity as the Australian government yet again prostrates itself at America's feet.

Where's our backbone and do we really need America for is it not just a crumbling empire - as history dictates all empire's rise and fall and America is now on the downward slop towards obscurity thanks to George W Bush.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My hypocrisy senses are tingling. So, closing down streets for security reasons to prevent even the potential for loss of disagree?

Yet closing down streets for self righteous fucks protesting about what the ‘silent majority’ have no problem with (student marches, union marches, war protests...even a protest against street closure???) is A-OK in your book?

I don’t like Americans any more then you do Chuck, in fact I hate Americans on an average basis though I deal with each individually when I encounter them. Especially the ones with the good sense to get the fuck out of America and come live in Australia. Anyway point being, lots of people hate Americans, ergo, the need for increased security restrictions.

This is all to do with the fact that, when the dudes did those raids on terror suspects, they thought it was mostly a political stunt and these people were full of hot air. When they actually found out how serious the people were it was a big double-take for police, officials, media alike.

I also reject your fatalistic attitude towards stopping terrorists. I will demonstrate this with a thought experiment. Let’s say Saturday I will attempt to steal all your chips in a scenario where:

A: only you are there to guard your chips
B: everyone else acts as a bodyguard for the chips
C: I am prevented from coming with a block radius of the building.

Surely you can imagine the results? If not you can borrow PredictiJK (see my board) if you like.

PG out.

1:57 pm  
Blogger Charlii Fandango said...

Hey JK,

Another point - the rumour has it that the government has banned all protests while Mr Rumsfeld is in Adelaide - hence taking away our freedom of speech.

Also we the Australian taxpayer are most likely paying for all of these measures to protect Mr Rumsfeld - which I strongly object to (if that is the case).

3:33 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well a newsflash said protesting was welcome provided it was peaceful. Not much sure where u got the rumour from but even so right to form an organised mass chanting corny catch phrases and right to freedom of speech are two different things. You are clearly paying the hell out of Rumfield but (as of yet) have not been hauled away by my (ineffectual) security forces thus it seems your freedom of speech is intact.

As for taxpayer money well its the same taxpayer money that goes towards providing police presence during protest rallies, which I don't hold with but it seems u do.

The same taxpayer money that goes towards extra police, military and ambo presence during large sporting events and concerts, which I do hold with and I'm sure you would too. Even the horse trials and pageant elicited extra coppers for traffic control.

Its a case of you cant have your kayak and heat it too. :)

Finally lets say an Australian official suddenly was listed on a terrorist hit list and was visiting the US. Said official would receive the same treatment there as Rumsfeld would here. Mi casa su casa.

10:41 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me make a few points:

1. History has shown us that political relations and even simple negotiations have been derailed over something as ridiculous as an insult or percieved threat. Failure to protect a diplomat or amabassador is a sure way to end or severely affect a political relationship.

Of course one can argue that the security of an American representative should be in the hands of the Americans, but that doesn't means the Australian government should not seek to provide the safest possible environment. To do otherwise would be detrimental to our relationship.

2. To all those American haters out there. There is a distinction between America and Americans. The first is an internationally recognised political entity or state with territory, population, borders, defence forces and security concerns. The latter is a nation occupying the territory that is recognised as the United States. So, ask yourself which it is that annoys you so much, Pool God.

3. The international arena is the very definition of anarchical, with state-actors influencing laterally not upward or downward. The majority of influence stems from the US (our gloabl hegemon), but only because it presently has the means and inclination to do so.

4. No country can choose it's allies all the time. Factors to consider are common ideology (say capitalism, democracy, religion and culture), geo-political situation, and military and economic strength.

While America pushes other countries around, Australia is presently simply willing to go along it. But this will change.

When China's economy surpasses America's in the near future, or when Japan produces its own nuclear arsenal, Australia will be in a better position to push back. Especially when both happen and the world becomes bi-polar once more.

(If you think I'm smoking the weed, I'm not.)

Now, I'll sit back and await the abuse!

4:16 am  
Blogger Charlii Fandango said...

I would like to say that I am not an American Hater - I strongly dislike the current American Government but I have nothing against the American people.

There is a clear distinction between the two. We are bitter about American policy and the acts that the American Government have done in the name of America - we should not allow a few to spoil the whole lot!

8:31 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee anonymous all I'd like to say is....duh! (Except for your naïve belief that the US won’t be our major allies in the future. I put that on a par with those people that think soccer will be the major football code in Australia in the future.) Perhaps u should change your name to 'obvious'. And as to "do I hate America or Americans?" well I believe if you read my post, as opposed to briefly perusing it before you submitted your pre-fabricated argument, it was Americans I hated.

Why the fuck would I hate a land mass? That’s a bit extreme even for me.

And on the subject of hating Americans I do and always will on an average basis. You think Bush's regime is atypical of a US Government? NO, Clinton's was. From their bloody and misguided start in the American Revolutionary War (NOT the War of Independence as they would have it) till now its been a culture of stupidity, ignorance, censorship of the mighty by the inane and inept and plain old missing the point. You seem to share that last facet anonymous.

If you really need to fall back to a boring, tired old macro-socio-political-economic argument every time you wish to address a few relatively microscopic comments in anger on a blog then well, your no daisy. No daisy at all.

PG out.

1:26 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, soccer will be the major football code in Australia in the future.

5:37 am  

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