Monday, September 05, 2005


After an over indulgence of Alcohol on Saturday night I have come to the conclusion that you just reach an age where you can't hold your liquor as well as you use to and you definately shouldn't mix.

Once more I have found myself declaring "I'm never going to drink again!" and especially not white wine as I seem to suffer memory loss so probably after the fourth glass I have a very hazy recollection of what actually happened.

So I apologise en masse if I was a jerk!

Lucky for me I have some pretty decent friends who are rather forgiving - although they will probably make fun of me!

Never again - from now on it's beer all the way because that is the only alcohol that seems to affect me the least.

You will all be happy to know that as punishment I have now come down with a flu type illness which has caused my sinuses to become inflammed and my knees hurt *sobs*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you don't remember that thing you did at that hour when those people were there, eh?

Probably lucky for you...

9:48 am  
Blogger Charlii Fandango said...

I'm currently trying to figure out how to get a drink stain out of King Freddie's suede jacket - I helped facilitate a spillage that I have no memory of.

Darn those pesky black outs!

Was saying last night that at this point I'm contemplating moving overseas so I don't have to face the consequences of my actions - nothing worse than having other people tell you what you did, especially when you would rather they didn't and you could remain in black out bliss.

10:49 am  

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